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onsdag 17 november 2010

Pike "competition" today

Today me and Niklas had a contest.
We walked out in a bay and after five minutes of fishing i told Niklas
its no pikes here.
He said yes mabey they are gone.
The next throw i took i had an heavy attack i turned around to niklas and said one - zero.
But just after 5 sec he said one one.
And then it was on again.
We had pikes after pikes and big smiles on our faces.
When we stopped to fish i had 35 pikes and Niklas 17.
So 52 pikes under three hours is not bad.
Niklas also took a swim with the pikes he hit a stone and fall into the water. HAHAHA
But he manage to catch the bigges one today.
So no loser today :)
Johan Bjelkendal

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